
Posted by Nicole Asher on

Tank's capture illustrates a lost dogs behavior while in "survival/ flight mode".

A dog in this mind frame is looking for food, water, shelter and avoiding predators. The number one predator to a dog in survival mode....humans!

Tank was constantly on guard and hyper aware of every noise, movement or anything new in his environment. Way off in the distance when a person was heard or a car would drive by, he would bolt and retreat back to the woods and power lines, his safe zone. This is why when working a case we say keep sightings off social media and stop driving around and foot searching. A dog in survival mode will hear an approaching vehicle or person and hide, leave the area or worse, be pushed in to harms way. There is no such thing as "quietly searching" to a dog in this mind set.

When a lost dog is allowed to settle and not feel pursued, the dog will come out in their own timing. Captures take time, it's a process. Thank you to Tanks family for trusting me and never giving up on their baby boy!


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