No longer terrified and alone....this sweet girl is safe after at least a month on the run in Montague, NJ.
A few days ago, I was contacted by Allison Perez, there was a dog that was being mistaken for a mangey coyote hanging on and around her property. No one could get close to her, she would run off in to the woods and then pop back out hours later when the coast was clear. We learned that she had been in the area for at least a month that we know of.
I made the drive out to Montague and set up a trap but she wouldn't go anywhere near it. I tied the trap open, allowing her to get used to it. Late last night she finally had the courage to walk in and eat what must have been her first taste of food in a very long time, she stayed in the trap for about 10 minutes eating every morsel. This magical box filled with delicious food became her new safe haven and she slept by it all night long.
This morning I arrived to set the trap for capture. I watched on the camera as she stumbled off back into the woods, she was having a very difficult time walking and she was clearly in a lot of pain.
Hours went by and she hadn't returned, I drove down and saw her laying in the woods off in the distance. She got up and was trying to walk back toward the paddock where the trap was, but she kept stumbling and could barely walk or put weight on her paws.
Time was of the essence and I simply could not wait any longer, she was deteriorating fast. I went in and calmly followed her as she staggered along the paddock fencing, she was not moving fast and I knew I would be able to get a slip lead around her. She was frightened but couldn't go any further.
Allison's horses, Lazarus, Lily and Jazz were right there overseeing things, throughout the entire rescue, so it was only fitting that they followed along side me, from inside their paddock, as I was able to get this sweet baby leashed up to safety. All three reached over the fence and went nose to nose with her to make sure she was ok. Allison and I joked that they were the three stooges, but I truly believe they were her three guardian angels.
I walked her out of the woods and after a short time, she was eating out of my hand and kissing my face, she knew she was finally safe!
I made a call to my friends at Grateful Doggies Rescue Family and without hesitation they welcomed her in to their rescue family with loving, open arms.
I immediately brought her to the Milford Animal Hospital where they got her in right away. She is severely emaciated, weighing only 26lbs, anemic and her paw pads are burned from traveling the hot pavement and trudging through woods. We are waiting on blood work and some other tests but she is now on the road to recovery and will never be alone again.
Thank you so much to Allison and Carlos Perez for your kind hearts and reaching out for help for this sweetheart. She gravitated to your property for a reason, animals just know where they are safe.
She is not microchipped and will be in foster for her seven day stray hold. She is not up for adoption at this time.