
Posted by Nicole Asher on

We got her!!! Maple missing in West Orange, NJ is safe after ten days on the run.

There was an abandoned lot and building that was behind Public Works that was a point of interest where I felt she could be hiding out. We received a call from a resident in the apartments across from the lot that they would hear intermittent barking and howling, confirming this is where she had to be hanging.

A feeding station had been set up but Maple was not going anywhere near the food source. We were concerned that she may be hung up on her leash. I went over yesterday morning and saw her way up on a mound and she ran, so we knew she wasn’t stuck. A trap was immediately set but she wouldn’t go anywhere near it or to any food source. She stayed within feet of it crying, howling and barking. It was so heart breaking to be so close and feel so helpless.

I arrived home at 5:30 this morning, slept a few hours and headed right back. This time I was bringing one of my dogs, Hudson with me, in the hopes that he would lure her out. Within minutes of me arriving I heard her rustling around. She was slowly making her way down the mound towards Hudson. When she got down to bottom within a couple feet of him, she managed to get her leash tangled up in the bramble and we were able to climb in and grab her and carry her out to safety.

Welcome home Maple and great job to my Huddlebugs for being the hero of this story.


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