
Posted by Nicole Asher on

For over TWO YEARS you roamed in the shadows, so desperately wanting to be loved. For two years you would come out of the darkness to follow behind people walking their dogs, which was your quiet and gentle way of asking for help and to be heard. For two years your light was dimmed by no fault of your own. 

It was one kind soul that knew she needed to be your voice and reached out to help you. 

Last weekend a plea for help was posted on Facebook by Jamie Cullen, the property manager at an over 55 community on sprawling 800 plus acres. It was this huge area that backed up to woods and wetlands where this “stray dog” made his home for over two years. He would run and bolt back into the woods if approached. He only followed people with dogs. He was viewed as this huge scary dog, sometimes mistaken for a bear or wolf by residents. He settled in this area due to residents feeding cats and wildlife, his food source was not lacking.  I answered Jamies plea for help and so began the next chapter of this “scary stray” dogs journey.

I began working the case on Tuesday I drove to Monroe Township, NJ and set up multiple feeding stations with cameras on the vast property that you travel. The next day you showed up on one of my cameras and from there we worked literally around the clock to bring you to safety. You had multiple food sources so you would make sporadic appearances but you loved that chicken and I knew you’d be back. Trap was set on Wednesday and after some conditioning you finally were brave enough to take those steps in. Yesterday evening the trap was set and we waited….

At 12:32 this morning your life would change when you took those final steps in and that door on your past would shut and your future began. 

You aren’t this huge scary dog that people portrayed you to be. You are all of maybe 45lbs. Your collar was so tight, that you must have grown into it, which leads me to believe you may have been out longer than two years. You were once someones dog, you know commands and you are neutered. Sadly no chip. We may never know your past or where you came from and how you got there, but we know for certain, you will never be alone again.

You gave me the most gentle kisses of gratitude and I held you in my arms and you knew you were finally safe. Your light is no longer dimmed, your light is shining bright and you are loved! You are my Huckleberry!

Huckleberry is being held for his stray hold and will be in foster care with rescue.

Thank you Jamie for being his voice, because of you he will live the life he deserves.




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