Gizmo The Llama

Posted by Nicole Asher on


Gizmo the LLAMA missing in Bedford, NY has been safely captured after seventeen days!

Gizmo was newly rescued and jumped over a five foot fence. Frightened and in a new environment, he was off and running. There were no confirmed sightings.

I began working with Gizmos devoted new owner yesterday. I went over her case in great detail and a whole new strategy was put into place. 

I stressed the importance of calling off the search parties and focusing on a massive public awareness campaign. I explained how so many people are not on social media and posters were so vital to get the word out. We needed the town plastered with Gizmo posters!!! 

This evening a construction crew on one of the properties saw our poster and called Diana. The workers had been seeing Gizmo on a neighboring property the whole time, less than a mile away from the point of escape. They thought that he belonged there and thought nothing of it until they saw our poster.

Diana and one of her workers, Leo went right over. Leo was able to lasso the Great Gizmo and his seventeen day odyssey came to an end like a cowboy western.

Within less then twenty four hours of working the case, Gizmo was found and safely reunited. What an amazing way to end 2020. Thank you to all who came out to hang posters, the news media for covering the story, Leo the amazing “cowboy” who was able to lasso Gizmo. The workers/ hero’s who saw our poster and made that call and to Diana, who was steadfast and determined to get her newly rescued baby back!!!

Welcome HOME Gizmo!!!

Photo Credit: NY Times

Photo Credit: NY Times

Photo Credit: NY Times


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