East Orange, NJ Stray

Posted by Nicole Asher on

When animal lovers come together beautiful things happen.

Yesterday my friend Rayna Regenthal contacted me. Her friend Bill Taylor, who works for the NJ Transit, was working in the area and said there was Chow Chow running around under a bridge along route 280 and the rail road tracks in East Orange. I said what’s the address I’ll go get him tomorrow.

I called Penny Smith from Rescue Right and asked if she could take him, before I could finish my sentence, without hesitation, she said absolutely bring him in. Knowing this was a dangerous area and I shouldn’t go alone, I called my close friend and rescue cohort Francesca Laurita and together we headed out to bring this lost soul to safety.

We called animal control to ask if they had knowledge of this dog and they confirmed they’ve been trying to catch him for more than a year and a half. Animal control said he was possibly dumped or abandoned when people moved from the boarded up houses nearby. We may never know how he got there, but all that matters now is that he is safe and will be sleeping in a warm bed tonight with a full belly for the first time in a very long time.

Right now we are unable to determine if it’s a male or female due to being so severely matted, although I keep saying him because I feel like it’s a boy 🙂. Once this baby decompresses he/she will be fully vetted, cleaned up and will begin the next chapter, working very closely with a trainer and learning that not all people are bad.

I will be sure to keep everyone updated on his/her journey and transformation.

Thank you Rayna, Bill and the NJ Transit crew for reaching out for help. Thank you ACO Mike for coming and helping us get him loaded in the car once trapped. Frannie I love you my friend, thank you for always being up for a rescue adventure. Penny, once again, thank you for welcoming in another wayward pup that I know with your love and dedication will transform and thrive. This was an amazing team of people and without all of you this rescue would not have been possible.

If you see something say something, we are their voices!!


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