
Posted by Nicole Asher on

I’ve been so busy on various cases that I haven’t had a moment to update on sweet little Athina who is now home after a week on the run through, Newton, Blairstown and Hope, NJ.

Athina was running a 14 plus mile loop, running from everyone and everything. Once I began working with the owner black and white flyers that were barely visible were quickly replaced with large, colorful, effective signage. Call alerts were sent out and sightings started coming in. Posters and public awareness are so vital.

Mapping her sightings was critical and a pattern of travel emerged. Feeding stations were placed with a trap that was tied open as we were battling wildlife and could not risk her seeing another critter trapped.

Tying open traps is sometimes very necessary because you get one shot and if the dog sees something else trapped it can create a whole new nightmare of the dog now being trap savvy and often times the dog will never go in a trap after.

It took over 13 hours before Athina was comfortable stepping in. Once she went in comfortably, the trap was immediately set only to face yet another obstacle. Much to our dismay a landscaping crew showed up and along with chainsaws and mowers pushing Athina out of the area, approximately 3.5 miles away. Thankfully Athina finally had enough and walked up to a couple and they were able to leash her up.

We are so grateful to EVERYONE who helped hang posters, called in sightings and allowed access to properties. Melissa you are amazing and were beyond helpful not only for hanging posters but for knowing everyone and getting me access to these vast properties that she was running. This was a huge team effort and I’m so happy that Athina is finally home safe! Thank you everyone!




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