
Posted by Nicole Asher on

The stray hanging out in Beaver Dam area of New Windsor for over a month and a half is now safe and on his way to the vet.

I've named this sweet boy Jingles, he was scanned and no microchip was found. He tested positive for Lyme and anaplasma. His ears are so infected and swollen one is closed up and he has a slight heart murmur. He is the biggest love bug mush, all he wanted to do was to plop down on me, snuggle and sleep. He's intact and very young, guesstimating his age around 1 year old. Orange County Barkers Rescue has him in and if his family is not found they will find him a forever home, which won't be hard to do as he is such a sweetheart!!! I'm officially in love with this boy!!!



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